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heyPatient Whitelabel App «paraplegie» for the Swiss Paraplegic Centre

«paraplegie” is the personal companion whenever a visit or appointment is due at the Nottwil Campus. The app provides patients with all the information relevant to their stay and allows them to contact the Swiss Paraplegic Centre. Read more here.

Whitelabel with heyPatient-Core

The new personal companion is based on heyPatient technology and the open platform. This ensures that, for example, appointments and data saved in the heyPatient app are just as visible when switching to "paraplegia".

So anyone who was previously using the heyPatient app and now prefers the "paraplegie" app will continue to see and receive appointments, notes and forms from the digitally connected health partners.


The app offers:

  • An up-to-date overview of all appointments at all times

  • Helpful information on agreed appointments

  • Access to appointments also for relatives

  • Directions and navigation on campus and directly to the next appointment

  • Information for visitors on events, content provided for the community, on specific fields of knowledge and much more

InfSoft Navigation

We have seamlessly integrated the solution of our partner InfSoft into the Patient Experience. Our hospital customers can now easily connect and use InfSoft in the heyApp Store.

heyApp Store – Third-party Solutions as a Service

Where customers want a functionality or solution that is already available on the market, we are happy to integrate it into our environment via heyApp Store. In this way, proven solutions can spread in the market and innovation happens where it creates concrete benefits.

Sie wünschen die Integration eines solchen Drittproduktes in Ihre Patient Journey, als funktionale Ergänzung oder zu Gunsten einer weiter optimierten Patienten Interaktion?

Genau dafür haben wir unseren heyApp Store entwickelt:

In unserer offenen, HL7 FHIR-basierenden Plattform integrieren wir Drittanbieter-Lösungen einfach und unkompliziert.

Constantly growing functionality

As a customer, you benefit from an increasingly comprehensive range of solutions - seamlessly integrated into your patient-oriented processes.

Partnership with bbv Software Services

The new functionalities "homeScreen" and "Navigation" were developed together with bbv Software Services. In the further expansion, bbv will develop additional, campus- and community-specific functionalities.

Order now. Switch on before the end of the year

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"We are convinced that heyPatient as a digital and integrated solution has the potential to set new standards in healthcare."

Adrian Schmitter, CEO

Kantonsspital Baden AG

«heyPatient ermöglicht unseren Patienten den schon lange gewünschten einfachen, digitalen Zugang zu unserer Klinik - gleichzeitig können klinikinterne Prozesse, auch im  Sinne der Patienten optimiert werden.The heyCommunity integrates us into a virtual regional, but also supra-regional health space, enables joint development steps and also offers every clinic the opportunity to realize individual adaptations and connections of third-party applications! A win for our patients, the heyCommunity and of course our clinic!"

"Enabling our patients to plan their stay online is a logical step in our digitalization strategy. heyPatient offers a convincing solution for this.»

René Künzli, Head of Services and Member of the Executive Board

Swiss Paraplegic Center

Rolf Schwendener, deputy CEO

Merian Iselin Clinik, Basel

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