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healthy region
digitally connected

Information, appointments and digital health support.

By region for region. 

All actors are simply, digitally and securely networked with each other.

Regionale, patientenzentrierte App
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Simply digitally and securely connected with each other

Process-integrated patients

The patient-centric solution from heyPatient in combination with Cuore, the Swiss Post networking platform, offers exactly what has been needed and desired in the Swiss healthcare system for a long time:


The simplest, seamless interoperability with process-integrated, digitally accessible patients.

The electronic patient record (EPR) is integrated.

heyPatient and Cuore

What does the regional health app offer?

The app acts as a digital health companion and connects health partner systems directly to the patient's smartphone via a secure, protected connection. 


Citizens can decide for themselves at any time with whom they want to share their data.

What does it cost?

The app is available free of charge in the stores.


The provision of the app is financed by the partner organizations in the health region.


Health partners benefit from digitally accessible patients. The solution automates registration, check-in, appointment invitations, patient messages, and tasks. The resulting cost savings quickly cover the service costs.

What is the benefit?

The daily health routine of citizens is simplified.


They gain quick access to regional services and can interact with their health partners paperlessly, anytime and anywhere.

Families are empowered to easily coordinate their health appointments and tasks.


Health partners benefit from simple automation and process digitization, effectively and quickly relieving their staff from administrative tasks.


Patient support is improved, costs can be saved, and self-service offerings are increasingly utilized.


The region benefits from an efficient healthcare system:


More time for people and their needs while administration, patient management, preparation, and much more are automated and digitally ensured with high quality.

Thanks to regional customization, the solution provides maximum benefit for everyone, which increases acceptance.

Who needs a regional digital solution?

In addition to the population and health partners, who benefit from simplified interaction, appointments that can be booked digitally and paperless preparation, these are also communities that have had to bear the explosion in health costs in an otherwise tight budget for years.

Who is behind the regional health app?

A regional network of healthcare actors from the respective region. heyPatient provides the health platform with an integrated, 19-language app and offers regional, desired additional functionalities. Thanks to achievable cost savings, the solution costs are financed in a very short time.


"We are convinced that heyPatient as a digital and integrated solution has the potential to set new standards in healthcare."

Adrian Schmitter, CEO

Kantonsspital Baden AG

«heyPatient ermöglicht unseren Patienten den schon lange gewünschten einfachen, digitalen Zugang zu unserer Klinik - gleichzeitig können klinikinterne Prozesse, auch im  Sinne der Patienten optimiert werden.The heyCommunity integrates us into a virtual regional, but also supra-regional health space, enables joint development steps and also offers every clinic the opportunity to realize individual adaptations and connections of third-party applications! A win for our patients, the heyCommunity and of course our clinic!"

"Enabling our patients to plan their stay online is a logical step in our digitalization strategy. heyPatient offers a convincing solution for this.»

René Künzli, Head of Services and Member of the Executive Board

Swiss Paraplegic Center

Rolf Schwendener, deputy CEO

Merian Iselin Clinik, Basel

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heyPatient AG


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Technoparkstrasse 2, 8406 Winterthur

+41 44 586 02 01


Schumannstrasse 27, 60325 Frankfurt

+49 69 505027 314

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