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heyPatient Girl

Non-binding Pre-Analysis - heyPatient (3 x 1/2 day)

Create facts and shape the vision of your digital patient journey.

Together with you, we analyse clinical contents using the example of a specialist area (e.g. physio), the results and the procedure can be applied to other areas. We are also developing a high-level technical concept for connecting the disposition system and patient admdata to «heyPatient». At the end of the three days, you will receive consolidated workshop documentation. On request, we will create the internal project proposal for the implementation of the digital patient journey together with you.


  • Preliminary analysis: patient journey and benefit heyPatient
  • Technical pre-analysis of the interfaces
  • Preliminary analysis: Processes and operations
  • Preliminary analysis: Benefits and (project) effort with recommendation



Design workshop


Your effort

3 workshop half days (each in the morning or afternoon)



On your premises or with us


Time / dates

The three workshop half days are ideally planned / booked over a period of 1 to a maximum of 3 weeks.


Procedure and content

During the workshops we get from the rough vision to the details.

Between the workshop days with you and your employees, we process the results and present the findings to you in the follow-up workshop for verification and further development together with you.


Delivery results

  • Digital patient journey
  • Identification of the greatest benefit of heyPatient
  • Inventory of clinical content of patient-oriented communication for a specialist area (e.g. physio, women's clinic ..)
  • Technical rough concept for the connection to the MRP system (agenda) and patient master data (MPI)
  • Documentation of the workshops
  • If desired: Participation in the creation of your internal project application


Internal resources required Ideally, employees from organizational development / process management, IT and clinic representatives from patient administration as well as from medicine and nursing during three half days. We would be happy to work out the detailed planning together with you, including recommended attendances per workshop day.


Please contact for a quote and an appointment



"We are convinced that heyPatient as a digital and integrated solution has the potential to set new standards in healthcare."

Adrian Schmitter, CEO

Kantonsspital Baden AG

«heyPatient ermöglicht unseren Patienten den schon lange gewünschten einfachen, digitalen Zugang zu unserer Klinik - gleichzeitig können klinikinterne Prozesse, auch im  Sinne der Patienten optimiert werden.The heyCommunity integrates us into a virtual regional, but also supra-regional health space, enables joint development steps and also offers every clinic the opportunity to realize individual adaptations and connections of third-party applications! A win for our patients, the heyCommunity and of course our clinic!"

"Enabling our patients to plan their stay online is a logical step in our digitalization strategy. heyPatient offers a convincing solution for this.»

René Künzli, Head of Services and Member of the Executive Board

Swiss Paraplegic Center

Rolf Schwendener, deputy CEO

Merian Iselin Clinik, Basel

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heyPatient AG


Reg-Nr:      CHE-326.934.294

DUNS-Nr:  48-042-8462

Technoparkstrasse 2, 8406 Winterthur

+41 44 586 02 01


Schumannstrasse 27, 60325 Frankfurt

+49 69 505027 314

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Location Winterthur

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